BMTS Technology presents advanced turbocharger solutions at FAW-Volkswagen “TE 2021” Innovation Technology Exhibition


BMTS Technology participated in the FAW-Volkswagen “TE 2021” Innovation Technology Exhibition on June 22 and 23, 2021 in Changchun, Jilin Province, China, presenting cutting-edge turbo technologies and applications. Mr. Peng Sen, Global Platform Project Leader at BMTS Technology, introduced BMTS’ patented products such as FNT turbos for gasoline engines (Floating Nozzle Turbine), electrified turbocharger, and fuel cell air compressor.

As a long-term partner of FAW-Volkswagen, BMTS has great development expertise and highly competitive technologies in the field of turbocharging solutions. The two parties have established a good cooperative relationship on this basis.

BMTS’s booth attracted more than one hundred people, including customers and other automotive suppliers. They all felt that BMTS’ products improve fuel efficiency and effectively reduce emissions, contributing to the industry trend of making vehicles more efficient and environmentally friendly.

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